Book Your Reading, Past Life Regression, or Reiki Plus Energy Healing Session Today
Love from above and other nice things...
Dickie Lee - Long Beach, CA
Kimberly, certainly has a special gift. Through her, I have received messages from friends and family that have passed on. She was very detailed with their information which left no doubt of their presence. It was a very positive experience that reassured me that there is more to us than our physical being. I highly recommend her to my friends.
Mary Kanenbley, Whittier, CA
Past and present right on the dollar, no doubt future prediction accurate too A+!!!
ISM, Canada
Thank you so very much for this very insightful, thought-provoking reading! You were "right on" with everything.
PKMS, Bridgeton, NJ
Just had to share: At the séance, you (My Grandma) were asking me about her lace handkerchief that I had.. and where was it.. I had no idea. After that weekend, I looked for it at my parents and didn't find it. Lo and behold yesterday my mom sent over a bag of stuff from my old dresser and guess what was in that bag.. YEP the Handkerchief! So this came to me after without specifically knowing it was coming! Amazing.. but true.. Just had to share! Thank you Kimberly!
Heather, Concord, Ca
The best money I have ever spent! Delightful experience! Thank You!
Vince, Canada
Thx for being truthful. Ouch. I don't know if I can do it, but you're right.
RS, Beverly Hills, CA
Scary accurate! One of, if not THE best Psychic Reader around.
Maritza R, Spain
I have not been as broody or depressed; I am still striving to get out of the house which is not easy, but am doing the best I can. All I can say is that my state of mind has improved in that knowing that Connie is with me as my guide as well as my beloved daughter... has helped alleviate negative thinking on my part.
E. Martin, Colorado
I was fortunate enough to be introduced to Kimberly and participate in her "Lesson's in Joyful Living" programs as well as several personal readings. They were truly life-altering experiences that elevated my own spiritual status and left me feeling complete. She does a phenomenal job at leading you to a place of peace and comfort, which opens your mind to possibilities you may not have seen otherwise. I am very thankful for the healing she brought into my life and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her.
Nadine Garcia
I have received two readings from Kimberly, my first in October and the second today; both readings have been so accurate and insightful to how I am in charge of my own destiny and can choose which path to follow. My first reading had a lot to do with my son. Much of what deep down I already knew, but to have someone else see these things and have my son show in the cards more than once brought me to tears and prompted to me to make some changes. Not big ones, baby steps, but they are really working. My son did not show up in today's reading, which only reinforces what I have learned from Kimberly. Kimberly has a very special gift and heart bigger than anyone I know. Never does she tell you what do do, but rather, you have a choice and you know what needs to be done.
Michelle F. - Newport Beach, CA
When I first found Kimberly, I honestly didn't know what I was getting into. I just knew that I had some questions that I wanted answered, and decided to try her out. Now, over the course of the past 5 years, I've had MORE than my fair share of experiences with good and bad psychics, so I know the difference between the two. I can tell you that after the first reading with Kimberly, I was HOOKED. I've had 2 additional readings since the first. Not only did she confirm things that only I knew deep down to be true and no one else, but she didn't sugarcoat things, like so many others. I picked up nothing but kindred and loving vibes from her end, and my own intuition has never failed me yet. She's terrific, simply because she makes sure that you've received all the clarification you need, and THEN some.
C.Fisher - New Jersey
In September, I received a reading about relationships. One of the things that stuck with me was that Kimberly said I would be reconnecting with someone from my past. For weeks I wondered what that meant, but without revealing too much of my personal life, I can now attest to the fact that this did indeed happen, casually and almost effortlessly. This may sound weird, but one of the biggest changes I'm most impressed by since working with Kimberly is the disappearance of a large, ugly wart on my hand. It's been there for two years, and had begun to mutate. But as I moved forward in my life -- fearlessly -- and began to take on a new, positive outlook, the darn thing went away. I'm happier and thinner, too, but also wart-free! 🙂 It's a true testament to the guidance someone like Kimberly can offer, specifically on how changing your thought process changes practically everything in your life.
Roxanne - California
Psychic Reading
All mediums are psychic - but not all psychics are mediums. Not every psychic, psychic medium, angel channel or medium will read for a client in the same way. It's like a fingerprint. Each will have a uniquely distinctive style, skill set, and comfort level.
Where many psychic readers are content simply answering your questions, I'm able to explore akashic records, soul agreements, and contracts. We'll seek guidance from God, your eternal soul, departed loved ones, your guides, guardians, ancestors, animal spirit guides, and angels to identify your next best steps in life.
So, the often asked, "Is my boyfriend cheating?" question will not be answered with a yes or a no, it'll likely be answered with a reflection on what part of you needs healing that tolerates, excuses, and overlooks this type of behavior. Be forewarned.
Within the time allotted, I'll explore where you are, where you've been, and where you're going. Your time includes review, integration, counseling, and coaching to help you best move forward with the information we receive.
I'll provide Psychic Guidance specific to the following circumstances: your personal life, romance, other relationships, health, career, and wealth. When I'm done, you'll have an opportunity to ask questions. Typically, I'll have already answered them in your reading, I'm good that way.
If time permits, I can even show you how to connect with your own intuitive nature.
Past Life Regression
Will transport you into a meditative state at a minimum and full-on hypnosis in some cases, and it just may be the secret to healing generational curses, releasing unconscious patterns, and discovering your Divine purpose. Or it may just be the insight you need to move forward in your life today. And frankly, you don't even have to believe in reincarnation for it to be beneficial.
Consider these options:
- It's an audio/visual metaphor, a daydream - your brain is creating the experience with the guidance of your subconscious to help you unwind your challenges in a way that makes perfect sense to you.
- It's DNA/ancestral memory - we don't fully understand all the information our DNA holds or how it gets conveyed. Consider reports of transplant patients who take on the personality traits, food cravings, allergies, etc. of their transplant organ donor.
- It's a parallel universe/quantum timeline experience - you are both there and here and your soul is guiding all experiences at the same time, you've tapped into the one with the most to learn from in this moment.
- It's a past life experience - held in your soul for your growth and development to discover at this very moment - your soul is eternal and is always connected to your highest purpose waiting to guide you.
Each offers the potential for healing and transformation by walking through this experience.
Individual Private Reading
- 1 guest
- 1.5-2 hours
- Reading - psychic, medium, angel, akashic records, departed loved ones, spirit guides, ascended masters, soul agreements, past life guidance, twin flame, soul mate, animal spirit guide, etc. - any and all information we can access to help you move forward.
- Integration, counseling, and coaching
Individual PLR & Reading
- 1 guest
- 2.5-3 hours
- Past Life Regression
- Integration, counseling, and coaching
- Reading - psychic, medium, angel, akashic records, departed loved ones, spirit guides, ascended masters, soul agreements, past life guidance, twin flame, soul mate, animal spirit guide, etc. - any and all information we can access to help you move forward.
- Integration, counseling, and coaching
Group PLR or Reading
- Up to 4 guests
- 3.5-4 hours
- OPTION 1: Past Life Regression
- Integration, counseling, and coaching
- Or
- OPTION 2: Reading - psychic, medium, angel, akashic records, departed loved ones, spirit guides, ascended masters, soul agreements, past life guidance, twin flame, soul mate, animal spirit guide, etc. - any and all information we can access to help you move forward.
- Integration, counseling, and coaching
- Session Rates
- See options
- Sessions are prepaid
- Scheduling
- Secure your session, text the number on your "Thank You" page/receipt to schedule
- Most sessions can be booked within two weeks
- Urgent, Same Day, and After Hours appointment requests can at times be accommodated
- Additional charges apply to same-day, after-hours, weekend, and holiday sessions
- Office Hours
- Tuesday - Thursday 10a-4p Pacific Time
- Friday 2p-6p
- Saturday 12p-4p
- Location
- We'll meet by phone, online, or in person
- Duration
- See options
- The "extra" 30 minutes allows for integration, counseling, and coaching to ensure you get everything you need from your session
- Sometimes the information we receive requires review, reflection, integration, counseling, and/or coaching*
- Recording
- Sessions may be recorded
- For additional information/assistance
- email [email protected]
*Sometimes the information we receive is life-altering, imagine discovering you're not an only child, that you have seven siblings! While it didn't exactly happen that way, she did leave the session with this information:
1. She wasn't an only child
2. Name of relative and state/area to search
3. Description of deceased grandmother, one she never knew existed
And for fun, this client was inspired to wear her hair in a braided coronet that morning - a style she'd never worn before. She literally thought to herself, "Wouldn't it be fun to braid my hair and wear it as a crown today..." and she did. The same style her departed GM showed up wearing, a validation of her connection to this client. But, it didn't start out easy; it started with, "I have your grandmother here with me...", and she said, that's impossible, my grandmothers aren't dead. Months later I got the update, that she'd connected with seven siblings by blood/marriage and the rest of her great big extended family.
Love from above and more nice things...
You gave me information about my MIL who had passed away and what she brought through about my sister-in-law and her health was spot on. She (my SIL) had not shared her health issues with anyone yet... She would love to get a reading from you now, problem is she only speaks Vietnamese (LOL). You have a gift. You have a kind heart and are full of compassion. Bless you in all you do.
Chi H, Anaheim Hills, CA
Here (client emailed photo showing what I saw) is my Mother that you saw today during my reading...
EXACTLY as you said with "her hand up in the air in a waving manner"!!
I knew immediately that you had My Mother speaking to you! Amazing reading!
Thank you so much for being such a special vessel and allowing our special angels to speak through you and to give us comfort. It really meant a lot to me.
And having my Mother show you my garden meant so much to me because it was her passion to be in my yard and tend to the garden ... and I needed her help so much @home depot today! No wonder I picked the two white rose trees for my front yard. She loved roses!
Thank you again for such a special reading.
Veronika, Ca
Because you were right on with the last reading you gave me it was unbelievable how accurate it was! and the advice you gave me was honest and I am taking your advice I did call XXX last night and he told me everything... he has never been that open with me before so I know you had something to do with it and I know your right and I need to be free from him.
Lauren, Oregon
My year in preview reading for 2014 was so accurate I’m getting my 2015 done today. Kimberly shares her gifts and talents as a psychic and a success coach so generously. My life path is smoother, easier, and more vibrant with her spiritually at my side.
Bonnie, UK
Dearest Kimberly, ...I am doing much better this evening than even just a few hours ago. I had an experience this morning that truly made me know (know more than believe) that Carol is with me here.
...she touched my hand while I was writing an email to her longtime friend Sharon. are likely one of a very few people who would understand this. I know she has watched my suffering with her loss and has touched me to make me know I have only lost her physical presence. She will always be here at my shoulder.
...her spirit will always be with me. It is as you said it would be.
Merrill Kingston, Parrita, Costa Rica
I was amazed at the information you were able to give me about my grandmother and her relationship with my daughter. There was no way you could have known, you even got her name and the fact that I named my daughter after her. It is comforting to know my grandmother is still with us and watching over us.
I was also floored with the other information you gave me. There is not a living soul other than my husband who knew. Ultimately you provided information that gave me great peace and opened the door for communication about what happens after we pass from this life. Thank you.
Nicole Z, Chino, CA
Kimberly, you described perfectly the experience I had with my husband the night before he passed away. It gave me such comfort to know he was/is still with me. I still miss him, but it is different now."
Wendy A, Victorville, California
I am LOVING my energy and intention boxes. It’s like a gift that keeps on giving. Every month I get to be surprised at how intuitively these tools are applied in my life and work. I have to say I will likely gift a few come the holidays to my dearest friends.
Dianna, West Palm Beach, Fl
I can tell you that I was not a true believer of the spirit world until Kimberly came to my home to do a reading. After many unexplained occurrences in my home I felt I needed Kimberly's help. She walked from room to room and was able to target the rooms in question. My cousin who was living with us at the time felt that there was a spirit in her room. When Kimberly was in that bedroom she heard many voices and was able to bring information through specific information for my cousin.
One voice in particular was repeating the name BOB. At the time it really did not make sense to us until I spoke with my daughter. She told me that when she was a child (occupying that very room) that she often saw the figure of a small boy in her closet wearing a baseball uniform with a name tag that read Bob. My daughter never mentioned this to Kimberly or my cousin (I was also able to verify this independently with a childhood friend of my daughter). This is just one example of Kimberly's gifts.
Since then friends of mine have also experienced the accuracy of Kimberly's readings. She not only has a gift of connecting with the spirit world but also shows great compassion for those in need.
Lorraine Gallardo, Whittier, CA
I cried when we spoke. And I’ve cried each time I share the information you brought to me from my father. I’ve never felt I had closure with his passing until now. Thank You!
Ben, NY
Reiki Plus Energy Healing Sessions
ALL Healing Begins with You
Join me for a session filled with insights, strategies, tools, and practices that will change your life. You may even experience healing, I've seen it happen more often than not. And I promise you're perfectly capable of the same level of success.
Your session will connect you to the most powerful healing system available to you, your mind, body, and Divine spirit. Your DNA along with your TBDBs (thoughts/beliefs/decisions/behaviors) are the keys to changing your life, they're what practically guarantee rapid results.
Did you know...
- Every single cell in your body is DNA-coded for perfect health and wellness
- You have over 37 trillion cells available to you, anything is possible...
- You can improve your happiness, health, and wellness by working with your mind, body & energy system
Energy is the language your body speaks. It's a language of happiness, health, wellness, peace, and balance.
The law of vibration states that everything that exists, whether seen or unseen when broken down into and analyzed in its purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light, which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern.
You are made of cells, which are made of atoms, that are made of particles, and those particles are really just vibrating energy. You are more empty space than physical stuff, more vibration than mass. More light than matter.
And in 2016 that light of creation that exists within you was captured at the moment of conception on video. That bioluminescent spark of creation that you come from exists within your very cellular structure. 37 trillion cells... all responding to energy. Truly, anything is possible.
Some of the basic teachings of Energy Healing are that we are more than our physical bodies. We also have an energy body made up of our aura (energy fields), the chakras (energy centers), and the meridians (energy pathways.) Everything is energy and intention and because of this Reiki Plus Energy Healing can also transcend time and space to allow distance healing for you from within. And, yes, you can even heal your past.
This makes sense if you...
- Want to stop feeling stuck, blocked, or damaged
- Don't have years to spend in therapy
- Prefer to not just "take a pill" and hope for the best
- Want access to proven healing methods
- Want to learn how to use those methods for yourself and the people you love
- Want to navigate life with more light, clarity, grace, and understanding
- Desire a deeper or renewed spiritual connection
- Are ready to stop "faking" it, pretending you're fulfilled, when what you're really feeling is disconnected or that "something is missing"
- Are interested in learning more about things like energy work, healing, chakras, auras, crystals, sound healing, essential oils, meditation and more...
- Don't have time to waste - you need help NOW
- Want to learn the language of happiness, health, and wellness trapped in your DNA
- Want your next adventure to awaken your healing abilities, align with your soul's purpose, tap into the universe, meet God, meet your angels, manifest your best life, and impact the world by raising your vibration and being the very best version of you that you can b
- Can say YES to any of the above
I look forward to working with you and helping you find your miracle of self-healing, whatever that may be.
Wishing you much love and many blessings,
Kimberly Rinaldi
The Miracle of Self-Healing
37 trillion cells can't be wrong.
Nearly every culture has a history of energy healing, focusing on the individual as whole.
Intro to Healing
- 90min Introductory Session
- Ideal if you’re just getting started and want to get rapid results and experience energy healing at work.
- Reiki Plus Energy Healing may include reiki, eft, emdr, hypnotherapy, sound healing, chakra balancing, cord cutting, aura work, crystal grids, chakra healing, chakra stones, aromatherapy, essential oils, toning, vagus nerve stimulation, acupressure, trigger point therapy, herbs and supplements, nutrition, detox baths, massage, lymphatic drainage, meditation, art therapy, play therapy and more. Your sessions are tailored to your specific needs.
Healing Path
- 90min Introductory Session
- (3) 45min sessions in 30 days
- You want to embark on a healing journey that includes growth and profound change. You want to start now.
- Reiki Plus Energy Healing may include reiki, eft, emdr, hypnotherapy, sound healing, chakra balancing, cord cutting, aura work, crystal grids, chakra healing, chakra stones, aromatherapy, essential oils, toning, vagus nerve stimulation, acupressure, trigger point therapy, herbs and supplements, nutrition, detox baths, massage, lymphatic drainage, meditation, art therapy, play therapy and more. Your sessions are tailored to your specific needs.
- BONUS: 30 day access
Mentor Level Upgrade . ($1,033 value)
Life Change Healing
- 90min Introductory Session
- (9) 45min sessions over 90 days
- You're ready to consciously design the life you love. You've already done some healing work and this time it's serious.
- Reiki Plus Energy Healing may include reiki, eft, emdr, hypnotherapy, sound healing, chakra balancing, cord cutting, aura work, crystal grids, chakra healing, chakra stones, aromatherapy, essential oils, toning, vagus nerve stimulation, acupressure, trigger point therapy, herbs and supplements, nutrition, detox baths, massage, lymphatic drainage, meditation, art therapy, play therapy and more. Your sessions are tailored to your specific needs.
- You'll have text access to me for ongoing support during your program.
- BONUS: 90 day access
Mentor Level Upgrade . ($3,099 value)
Self-healing is possible for:
ADD/ADHD, addictions, alcoholism, allergies, anger, anxiety, asthma, back pain, breathing difficulties, cancer, career goals, carpal tunnel, chemical sensitivities, children's behavior, chocolate cravings, chronic fatigue syndrome, claustrophobia, compulsions, cravings, depression, diabetes, eating disorders, emotional abuse, family dynamics, fears, fibromyalgia, food allergies, grief & loss, headaches, heartbreak, high blood pressure, insomnia, learning disabilities, lupus, migraines, multiple sclerosis, pain, panic, phobias, psoriasis, PTSD, public speaking, relationship issues, school issues, sexual abuse, smoking, snoring, sports performance, stress, stuttering, sugar cravings, trauma, weight loss and many other conditions.

Your Reiki Plus Energy Healing Sessions Initial 90min/Follow-up 45min
We'll review your history/goals and develop your success path strategy. By identifying where you are, where you want to be, and what exists in the gap between the two places that's holding you back.
And if any self-sabotage, self-doubt, fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, grief, chronic illness, injury, anger, jealousy, frustration, pain, sadness, trauma, lack of motivation, or even simple lack of "know-how" exists in that space - even if it's just a fraction of one percent of one item that's actually great news. Because that means you can change it, you can heal it, you can get past it, and you should - in order to get to the places you want to be in your life!
We'll identify and implement the best strategies/tools we'll use to drive, enhance, and optimize your outcome, including reiki, eft (emotional freedom technique), emdr (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), nlp (neuro-linguistic programming), hypnotherapy, ho'oponopono, sound healing, 3rd eye (pineal gland) activation, chakra balancing, cord cutting, aura work, crystal grids, chakra healing, chakra stones, aromatherapy, essential oils, toning, vagus nerve stimulation, acupressure, trigger point therapy, herbs and supplements, nutrition, detox baths, massage, lymphatic drainage, meditation, art therapy, play therapy, guided meditation, etc.
You will likely experience deep relaxation during the session.
• Many report lasting benefits from just one session and cumulative effects from multiple sessions
• You’ll get time to discuss your changes in each session; we'll make sure we're always moving in the best direction for your healing, health, wellness and developmental goals
• While I've witnessed healing in a single session; due to their complexity, most long-term imbalances require multiple sessions
Session Aftercare: My goal is to help you maintain your healing changes in the most supported, effective, and efficient manner. In some circumstances, your ongoing success depends on your aftercare practice.
- You'll get a meditation designed to continue healing in your daily life.
- You'll adopt new daily practices to connect your mind, body, and spirit in service of your desired goals and outcomes.
- You'll get recommendations for tools I believe you need to further explore/apply.
- BONUS - "Reiki to go" - you'll receive healing energy to move forward with. This is not a training or attunement, it's simply an extension of the energy we use together - I'll explain in detail when we meet for your appointment.
- Session Rates
- See options
- Sessions are prepaid
- Scheduling
- Secure your session(s), text the number on your "Thank You" page/receipt to schedule
- Most sessions can be booked within two weeks
- Urgent, Same Day, and After Hours appointment requests can at times be accommodated
- Additional charges apply to same-day, after-hours, weekend, and holiday sessions
- Office Hours
- Tuesday - Thursday 10a-4p Pacific Time
- Friday 2p-6p
- Saturday 12p-4p
- Location
- We'll meet by phone, online, or in person
- Duration
- See options
- Initial session 90 minutes, follow-up sessions 45 minutes
- Recording
- Sessions may be recorded
- For additional information/assistance
- email [email protected]