Do You Know What You Really Want? More Importantly Do You Know Why?

I do an exercise in one of my programs – Lessons and Healing Choices – that addresses what we perceive as goals. The WHAT we want in life.

And very often we get fixated on that what. We can’t see past it, we may only see one path to it, and it may be out of reach for us.

chalkboard with interrogation symbolThe long and the short of it is it’s not so much the what as much as the WHY. Why do we want what we want? What does it represent to us? Those are the more important questions to be asking.

So the next time you’re having trouble achieving a goal, determine your why. It may provide you the motivation you need, an alternate direction to take, or the focus you’ve been missing.

Here’s a simplified version of that exercise:

  1. Write your goal down
  2. Why do you want this?
  3. What will it give you?
  4. Why would you want that?
  5. What would that give you? (See a pattern here?)
  6. Do this a few times until you get a loop that repeats itself
  7. The final questions is: What will this make you feel?

When you understand how you’re going to feel about achieving this, it can provide the missing motivation you need. It will give you insight into the other ways to skin a cat – since there’s more than one way! Or, it will clear all the clutter and chatter that may be taking up valuable real estate in your mind.

Read more about my goal-setting programs and training opportunities at