Who Wants to be Self-Actualized, Raise Your Hand!

self-actualized, personal growth, lessons in joyful living, Kimberly Rinaldi

What it means to be self-actualized Ultimately, it’s about acceptance and love. Self-acceptance and self-love. Yes, it’s about also loving and accepting others and the world for what it’s worth. That said, the greatest peace you’ll ever achieve is that of self-acceptance and self-love.   It’s incredibly difficult for most people to accept who they…

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Meditation Check

I often say prayer is speaking to God, meditation is listening for his response. Did you know that just about anything can be a meditation? Here is a list of some that I have done in the past two weeks: Yoga Long walks Drinking a cup of coffee Sitting silently Chanting Listening to music Toning Chi…

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Yoga is Not a Competition

I have been practicing yoga since 1972. Yup, 41 years.  I am not great at it and there are times when I slack off on the practice. However, from the age of 6 years old, I was hooked. Lilias, Yoga and You on PBS. She taught me that it was worth trying harder, yoga was…

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What Can Yoga Do For You?

Increase flexibility We lose flexibility in the natural process of aging. Stretching with yoga will help reverse that process. Increase lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons It is very important that your joints remain well lubricated because if they are not, they will begin to limit your mobility and you will become more susceptible to…

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Radio Show: Tools for Stress Relief

Living With Stress? Don’t You Deserve Better? 04-22-2013 Join Lessons in Joyful Living Radio with Kimberly Rinaldi as she shares her tools for stress relief. Come to understand it isn’t just about what you are feeling in the moment, it’s about the long term effects on your relationships, your health and ultimately your ability to…

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One Way to De-Stress: Toning

They say stress kills. Studies are actually proving this is true; a recent study of cancer patients shows that stress reduction may prolong lives. We know that prolonged exposure to stress can cause vascular, cardiac, endocrine, and brain function changes. When the body is under stress — whether physical, emotional or perceived — it releases hormones…

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