Can Honest Communication Keep You Happy?

honest communication

A lesson in honest communication About two years after my dad died I had an experience with my mom that led to a story I share in the Heal My Past program. It’s called, Chicken Wing Syndrome. I’ve shared this story for over a decade at this point. And it occurred to me I had never…

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Self-Actualize in 7 Easy Steps – How Close are You?

7 steps to self-actualize, self-actualize, personal growth, lessons in joyful living, Kimberly Rinaldi

It can be a challenge to self-actualize   But, with self-actualization, you achieve control in your life, control of your life. Control over your creativity, spontaneity, and interpersonal relationships. You’ll adopt a comfortable, reasonable and sensible morality. You will operate with the ability to separate fact from fantasy. You’ll eliminate prejudice and judgement. It is,…

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Not Happy with Your Life? Ask Yourself These Questions

When clients seek me out, they have one thing in common: they’re not happy with some aspect of their life. Be it love, money, family, health, work, time management or their physical surroundings, they’ve let excuses cloud the vision of their vision. I’m not saying excuses aren’t legitimate issues. I’m just saying excuses cloud your…

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Life Balance in 3 Steps

Life balance, unlike the Yeti, exists You’ve perhaps heard tell of this elusive little thing called life balance.   Balance is not something that’s been a destination for me; it’s more of a journey. But there are some things that I do consistently and they really help me find that place that I call balance…

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11 Ways to Embrace Joy in Your Life

I really believe that happiness is an external process based on the attributes or attainment of a specific item or event. “I’ll be happy when I have a family.” “I’ll be happy when I meet Mr. Right.” “I’ll be happy when I lose 20 pounds.” I’ll be happy when… if… once… These are all contingent…

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Creativity: 4 Tips to Feed Your Creative Spirit

creativity, lessons in joyful living, personal development, Kimberly Rinaldi

I have no creativity – I’m left brained There was a time in my life where I actually said I didn’t have a creative bone in my body.  I can’t paint, draw, knit or even accessorize on a good day (do you still match your shoes to your handbag?).   I’ve since learned that creativity,…

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Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Yesterday was my birthday and I am excited about getting older. I really do celebrate for 30 days, from August 16 to September 16.  This is a practice I started many years ago to help the aging process remain fun and exciting. (Remember being nine and a half? You couldn’t wait to turn 10!) I look…

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What Reiki Has Taught Me

Just for today… I will not worry. I will not anger. I will do my work honestly. I will give thanks for my many blessings. I will be kind to myself, my neighbor and every living thing. These are the five core teachings of Reiki as interpreted by me. Yes, I have changed a couple of…

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Radio Show: Tools for Stress Relief

Living With Stress? Don’t You Deserve Better? 04-22-2013 Join Lessons in Joyful Living Radio with Kimberly Rinaldi as she shares her tools for stress relief. Come to understand it isn’t just about what you are feeling in the moment, it’s about the long term effects on your relationships, your health and ultimately your ability to…

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