My Commitment to You
I had to turn off everything this afternoon. I had to reschedule my appointments and unplug. Why? Because I needed to.
I have a Code of Ethics for the work I do. I do my very best to follow it at all times. Mainly because it allows me to do my very best for my clients.
As a professional who values integrity and effectiveness, I will make the following commitment to you. I will discourage dependence upon me for advice. Instead, I will help empower you to make your own choices. I will ensure that your confidentiality is protected at all times. I will honor your spirit and only provide energetic exchanges which promote your spiritual/emotional growth and serve your higher source. I will honor my own health and well-being so I am able to provide effective energetic exchanges in light and with clarity.
If you are not satisfied with something, let me know. I will do my best to correct it. That said; I provide the truth as I receive it. If you are not ready to look at the unvarnished truth then you may wish to work with another practitioner.
I was not in the best place to provide what my clients needed. I recognized that fact and rather than provide less than I know I am capable of providing, I took a time out. I refocused, I revitalized and I took care of me so that I could better care for others.
I know not everyone is in the position to walk away from their afternoon schedule or their responsibilities and I didn’t — I moved a couple of things. I changed my focus and direction for a few hours. I was honest and explained where I was. I let the client decide.
Understand that most people want the best you have to offer. If you can’t bring it to the table, then you need to find what you need to do to make it happen. If you need a moment, a time out, a walk or a glass of water, then you need to honor your needs to best serve others.
Imagine what the world would be like if we all brought our best to the table, and if we all had a code of ethics to live by.
Sorry to bother you..I really need some help..I have been having a difficult time since my baby past away april 2012 when I was 5 months pregnant..and my 1 year old dog past away 1 month before my baby..also my husband was really sick that summer in & out of the hospital..I keep telling myself good things are coming but I’m having a hard u see a healthy pregnancy for me within the next couple months?
Wow Kimberly, you have just inspired me hugely with this post. I just stumbled across the link on Twitter and your intro sounded interesting. I make a point of trying to read one new blogger a day to continue connecting with different people and expanding my own mind. THIS was a quality post, coming from a space of integrity and authenticity. I feel like printing it and posting it on my wall to remind me that if I stray from my centre – as I sometimes do – and forget to be for myself and others the best person I know myself to be, then I need to stop and get back to what really matters. In managing illness recently I have actually found myself doing exactly that, but it certainly takes something to admit when you’re really not in the space you need to be to be your best.
I also think I’ll adopt your Code of Ethics. It’s pretty much how I operate – or aim to – anyway, but I’ve never written it down. Would you mind if I borrow it?
Thanks again. You’ve inspired me. Now for action to go with that inspiration 🙂
Keep Smiling
Nice article. Inspiring. Thank you!
I also found this post on Twitter. I have considered coaching others, but am far from the point where I would pull the trigger on that. Why I bring it up, is I can really put myself in that mindset where you would need to really take care of your self, in order to take care of others properly, and had an instant “ah-ha” moment. Why the heck wouldn’t I, or anyone else for that matter be doing this on a regular basis for themselves? It’s no wonder many wanna be entrepreneurs (OR entrepreneurs in training) are not making the progress they would like to be making.