Karma's a Bitch. Really???

I have to say I have heard that statement from more than one person over the years. I believe their stating it, although an incorrect understanding of it, may help them resolve feelings around the perception of being wronged and being impotent to change the outcome. I just have to bite my tongue in most instances or I could launch into so many reasons why this is just the wrong way to look at anything in your life.

Karma is, stated simply, the law of cause and effect. BUT what if the “bad” thing you’re experiencing is your karma? How come no one wants to look at that? What if it is something that you “earned” already? Are we all so egocentric to believe we’ve never done anything worth this thing we’re rallying against — in this life or any other? We’ve lived many lives and many expressions of life. We really may have already earned this.

I like to say karma is simply a balancing of scales; it has no conscience nor consciousness.

But if it is a balancing of scales, where is free will in this? Glad you asked. Dharma is underlying order of the cosmos, often referred to as “the way” or “path” to balance and happiness. Therefore it is your dharma to overcome your karma.

I know this may be causing some conflict for some of you, so let me clarify.karma

Again, karma has no consciousness nor conscience. It is a balancing of scales. It is your dharma to overcome your karma. YOU HAVE FREE WILL and I say, “When you own it you can change it.” The scales are balanced when you say they are. That is how you overcome your karma. I also call it “blessing the lesson.”

So when “bad” things happen, own it. Allow the lesson to be. Bless it and let it go. The anger, fear, frustration, pain, shame, guilt or grief you own, you acknowledge and then… you can let it go.

This doesn’t mean you allow others to mistreat you. Healthy boundaries are important, but you balance the scales, you allow your dharma to overcome your karma and you can move forward in peace, joy and balance. And guess what? When you can bless the lesson, you don’t have to repeat it. The scales are balanced.

I know sometimes we get stuck on the letting go. That’s where tools like toning, EFT, Hypnotherapy, Prayer, Meditation, NLP, Coaching, Counseling and so many others come in handy.

Who knew ancient mysticism had so much in common with behavioral therapies?


  1. LKMcCaian on April 3, 2015 at 10:13 am

    This is an interesting theory – but I have to wonder…do you suppose we could have led such horrible former lives that we continue to pay for them in this one? What role would a curse play in this?
    Some of us seem to have really bad luck – one thing after another happens to us, yet we can’t think of what we could have possibly done in this life to deserve this ongoing bad luck. This has been my reality for the past 10 years or so….
    What if it isn’t karma but a curse?
    And, there are some who feel that we write our own destinies and plan our own paths – dharma – why would we put these problems in our way, time after time?
    Is the debt ever really paid?
    Your article really got me thinking, thanks!