Posts Tagged ‘making changes’
Lessons in Success: Make Decisions
Successful people make lots of decisions. They get comfortable making decisions. They don’t wait for life to happen to them; they take charge.They make change. If you’re not comfortable making decisions, you have to step outside of that to find success. And sometimes that first decision is the hardest. Successful people also make those decisions…
Read MoreLessons in Sex, Love and Intimacy: Change the Way You Love and Are Loved
Lessons in Sex, Love and Intimacy: 3 Hours Guaranteed to Change the Way You Love and Are Loved. Watch: Click here to register now.
Read MoreI Am NOT Above Judging Others
I was in an accident the first week of January 2012. At 8:30 in the morning on my way to a conference, I was hit by a drunk driver who was halfway through a Corona (beer) when he hit me. Then he left the scene of the accident. Oh and one more thing, he was…
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