Posts by Kimberly Rinaldi
Lessons in Success: Give Yourself a Break
There comes a point in nearly every successful entrepreneur’s life when you realize time is the more valuable commodity – the most valuable, actually. So when I say, “Give yourself a break,” what I really mean is: Get the help you need around the house. Since the first time I moved out on my own I’ve maintained…
Read MoreI'm Calling Bullshit!
Here’s the thing. I’m never going to be able to do the work for you. As much as I’d like to, as easy as it might be, and as much as I might want it more for you than you do yourself – this is your life. These are your responsibilities. So when you don’t…
Read MoreYoga May Not Be a Competition, But This Fitbit Sure the Hell Is!
I hate to admit it, but I am competitive. Really competitive. Probably the most competitive woman you’ll ever meet. (See what I mean??) There are actually friends and family who won’t play games with me – not because I’m a sore loser, but because I’m a really sucky winner. I have to win. And I only…
Read MoreThe Language of Love
Occasionally I do couples counseling, with an actual couple, as opposed to working with one half of the partnership and trying to communicate perceived values. One of the biggest challenges we have as human beings – whether coupled or single – is communication. With so many opportunities to misspeak, misunderstand, project, and take personally the…
Read More9 Things Wealthy People Do That Can Help You On Your Path to Prosperity
Unless you are born with a silver spoon or have figured out a way to predetermine the Powerball numbers, you’re going to have to work to build your wealth. In every outcome, there are strategies involved to get there. The wealthy who have built and maintained their fortunes have consistent behaviors. Here are nine things…
Read MoreNot Happy with Your Life? Ask Yourself These Questions
When clients seek me out, they have one thing in common: they’re not happy with some aspect of their life. Be it love, money, family, health, work, time management or their physical surroundings, they’ve let excuses cloud the vision of their vision. I’m not saying excuses aren’t legitimate issues. I’m just saying excuses cloud your…
Read MoreMea Culpa: How to Apologize
I recently made a mistake. A very costly mistake. It cost me money, time and energy. However, the true value of the cost to me was that it may have cost me a friendship. I spent a couple of weeks really beating myself up over the circumstances. This person said they needed time to come…
Read MoreDo You Know What You Really Want? More Importantly Do You Know Why?
I do an exercise in one of my programs – Lessons and Healing Choices – that addresses what we perceive as goals. The WHAT we want in life. And very often we get fixated on that what. We can’t see past it, we may only see one path to it, and it may be out…
Read MoreLessons in Success: Don't Attempt to Do It All
I really dislike housework. From the time I was in my early 20s and out on my own I have paid other people to do my housecleaning. There was actually a time when I made barely more hourly than I was paying my housekeeper. And yet I never saw it as a luxury. It was…
Read MoreThe Powerful Language of Intention
When working on Manifesting, Intentions, and Law of Attraction, it’s imperative that you understand how powerful language is. Clarity is so important when dealing with The Universe, your creative consciousness, prayer, or that cosmic Sears Roebuck catalog that fuels the outcome of your intentions. Here are ways for you to use the Language of Intention:…
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