Growth & Potential (Personal, Business and Spiritual)
Lessons in Success: Don't Attempt to Do It All
I really dislike housework. From the time I was in my early 20s and out on my own I have paid other people to do my housecleaning. There was actually a time when I made barely more hourly than I was paying my housekeeper. And yet I never saw it as a luxury. It was…
Read MoreThe Powerful Language of Intention
When working on Manifesting, Intentions, and Law of Attraction, it’s imperative that you understand how powerful language is. Clarity is so important when dealing with The Universe, your creative consciousness, prayer, or that cosmic Sears Roebuck catalog that fuels the outcome of your intentions. Here are ways for you to use the Language of Intention:…
Read MoreLife Balance in 3 Steps
Life balance, unlike the Yeti, exists You’ve perhaps heard tell of this elusive little thing called life balance. Balance is not something that’s been a destination for me; it’s more of a journey. But there are some things that I do consistently and they really help me find that place that I call balance…
Read MoreLessons in Success: Make Decisions
Successful people make lots of decisions. They get comfortable making decisions. They don’t wait for life to happen to them; they take charge.They make change. If you’re not comfortable making decisions, you have to step outside of that to find success. And sometimes that first decision is the hardest. Successful people also make those decisions…
Read More11 Ways to Embrace Joy in Your Life
I really believe that happiness is an external process based on the attributes or attainment of a specific item or event. “I’ll be happy when I have a family.” “I’ll be happy when I meet Mr. Right.” “I’ll be happy when I lose 20 pounds.” I’ll be happy when… if… once… These are all contingent…
Read MoreCreativity: 4 Tips to Feed Your Creative Spirit
I have no creativity – I’m left brained There was a time in my life where I actually said I didn’t have a creative bone in my body. I can’t paint, draw, knit or even accessorize on a good day (do you still match your shoes to your handbag?). I’ve since learned that creativity,…
Read MoreHow Would You Like a Tax Break?
You can get 100% reimbursement for weight loss and/or smoking cessation hypnotherapy programs with an IRS tax credit. Tax laws passed in 2003 mean you can get a tax credit that reimburses you 100% for money paid for smoking programs. You can also be reimbursed 100% for weight loss programs if you were advised by a…
Read MoreCharitable Giving: Police Unity Tour
I often find myself telling clients when they are so enmeshed in their challenges to find a cause bigger than themselves and Give, Volunteer or Donate. It makes you realize there are people/animals/causes out there who need you. It changes your perspective, it takes you outside of your challenges and puts you in the position…
Read MoreI'm Going to My Room!
One of my Twitter accounts is nonfunctional, yet Twitter support insists there’s nothing wrong with it. I’m 18 minutes into broadcasting my daily radio show and my desktop computer gives me the blue screen of death and shuts down. While trying to continue with the broadcast, I move something on my desk and rip the…
Read MoreThe Art of Meditation
Meditation is the act of bringing your attention back to whatever you intention was. ~ Kimberly Rinaldi Meditation is one of the proven alternative healthcare therapies identified within mind-body medicine. More and more doctors are prescribing meditation as a way to lower blood pressure, improve exercise performance, help people with asthma breathe easier, relieve insomnia and generally…
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