Change Your Mind About Weight Loss

Your life depends on it
According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, close behind tobacco use. An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic. So, whether it’s 10 pounds or 100 pounds, the health risks of overweight and obesity make weight loss a priority for you or someone you know.
Do you ever imagine you could have a healthy body, feel attractive, fit, and full of energy? How would you look? How would you feel? What rewards, accolades and satisfactions would you enjoy? Would you make time for new habits, hobbies and interests? What would you be doing now that you haven’t done in the past? And conversely, what would you stop dong that had been part of your routine or thought process in the past? How could your life be different?
You may or may not immediately know the answers to these questions. That’s okay, go ahead and dare to dream – and make it big! Close your eyes and be there. Be there now. Dream the dream, when you make your “WHY” big enough, that “why” – the dream, will become like a magnet that pulls you into the future. Make it just the way you want it. Imagine it in bright and bold, technicolor detail. Make it compellingly real. Put as many of your senses into the experience as you can. See. Hear. Feel. Smell. and Taste your success.
Focus on what you want – weight loss – then ask…
• Is it worth making some changes in your priorities?
• Is it worth the effort to learn a new way of eating?
• Would you worth giving up some limiting beliefs and bad habits and excuses?
• Would you be willing to take the time to move your body on a regular basis?
• Are you worthy of learning how to love and take care of yourself?
Put your weight loss wishes into words – that’s what makes them goals
Now that you’ve dreamed about and pictured your future, the next step is to put it into words. Pictures and other 5 sensory input are the building materials of our thoughts. How we communicate those thoughts and accompanying emotions, and behaviors is through words. And that communication starts with ourselves. Words are the basis of our self-talk, it’s the way we communicate with ourselves internally (some of us have a pretty active external communication process too – as in I’m always talking to myself out loud).
The quality of your self-talk will, in no uncertain terms influence your success. Positive, action based verbs, and language of ownership – based self-talk unleashes positive emotions, commitment and motivation. When you engage in negative or self-critical self-talk it leads to failure each and every time.
When you put what you want into words, you formulate an outcome — a statement of what you intend. Words are what we program our emotions and behaviors with, so it’s important to select powerful, positive, effective, ownership based words when formulating your outcome. Why? Poorly formed outcomes steers your brain in the wrong direction and keeps you stuck. While well-formed outcomes, boost your motivation – they become the driving force behind your actions. It’s the “Carrot” or the “Stick” conversation. Discomfort (the stick) gets you moving initially, but it’s not sustainable. You see, once you eliminate the discomfort, complacency sets it.
Example – You gain 5 pounds and your jeans are tight. They fit, but snug. Gain another 5 and you can’t button them. This is where the “stick” presents – the push goal. Your discomfort is not being able to get into the jeans (they are pretty damn cute and they were nearly $200…) So, commence with the diet and exercise. Success! You lose 5.25 pounds, the jeans fit and they are comfortable enough. But wait… you’re still up 4.75 pounds! This is where the “carrot” comes into play; if you have a strong enough “carrot” – pull goal, then you continue working off the other 4.75 pounds. If you don’t have that well formed outcome – carrot – pull goal – you accept the current situation and you’re happy. Right. Where. You. Are. Because you’re no longer uncomfortable.
Why do you want to get clear about your weight loss goals?
Because well formulated goals get your brain working toward real results and solutions. A well-formed outcome is especially important when you’re working on ongoing commitment and lifestyle changes, like when you decide to modify eating habits and start exercising in order to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Are you ready to make the commitment to get healthy?
Tell me your goals around healthy weight loss.
[…] A well-formed and clearly defined outcome is the first step toward success. The concept comes from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), counselors, coaches, and therapists use this process to help their clients identify, establish and reach their goals. If you want to make a change for the better, start with a well-formed outcome. […]