Posts by Kimberly Rinaldi
Life Balance in 3 Steps
Life balance, unlike the Yeti, exists You’ve perhaps heard tell of this elusive little thing called life balance. Balance is not something that’s been a destination for me; it’s more of a journey. But there are some things that I do consistently and they really help me find that place that I call balance…
Read MoreLessons in Success: Make Decisions
Successful people make lots of decisions. They get comfortable making decisions. They don’t wait for life to happen to them; they take charge.They make change. If you’re not comfortable making decisions, you have to step outside of that to find success. And sometimes that first decision is the hardest. Successful people also make those decisions…
Read MoreEver Wanted to Be a Healer?
If you’ve ever wanted to take control of your own health, or been inspired to consider becoming a healer, then Reiki might be the answer for you. One of the unique features about Reiki is that anyone and everyone can practice it once attuned. You simply take a Reiki I class and, upon completion and once you’ve…
Read MoreI Am Happy Healthy and Whole – Even When I'm Not
So it’s a Thursday morning before a long weekend and I wake up with no voice – body aches – fever of 102° – and this swampy feeling in my chest. I have a tremendously busy weekend planned, a romantic day off planned with Mr. Rinaldi for Friday, and let’s not forget I have a live…
Read More11 Ways to Embrace Joy in Your Life
I really believe that happiness is an external process based on the attributes or attainment of a specific item or event. “I’ll be happy when I have a family.” “I’ll be happy when I meet Mr. Right.” “I’ll be happy when I lose 20 pounds.” I’ll be happy when… if… once… These are all contingent…
Read MoreCreativity: 4 Tips to Feed Your Creative Spirit
I have no creativity – I’m left brained There was a time in my life where I actually said I didn’t have a creative bone in my body. I can’t paint, draw, knit or even accessorize on a good day (do you still match your shoes to your handbag?). I’ve since learned that creativity,…
Read MoreHow to Tame Your Inbox Mayhem
Six email accounts and 1,043 unread emails. That’s my current total today. And I’m launching a new business in a few weeks, which will mean more email addresses. And more emails. While some days it feels overwhelming; most of the time I have a handle on it. Here are the top five tips I’ve adopted…
Read MoreRise and Shine!
I’m usually up at 5 AM every day, but it isn’t until around 9 or 10 that I actually begin speaking to people and making eye contact. I’m just not an early bird. I simply prefer to do my quiet, solitary things for the first few hours of every morning. I take care of my…
Read MoreWhat Bugged Me Today
While walking down the side of the house to take the kitchen trash out, I stepped on a bee. I didn’t mean to. I didn’t see her. If I had, trust me, I would have avoided her. In the course of my lifetime I have been stung in the middle of my back, on the…
Read MoreJoin Me for a Cup of Coffee
It’s 7 AM again. I’ve been up for hours. I find myself wandering in circles unable to focus. It’s midday, I need a break and I want something sweet. It’s after dinner, I want to linger and enjoy your company. What do all of these events have in common? A simple cup of coffee. Over…
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